an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest
something observed in a scientific investigation or experiment that is not naturally
present but occurs as a result of the preparative or investigative procedure
ARTIFACT is an agency like no other. We have no waste, no fan fair and a passion for creating brands and advertising we can be proud of.
ARTIFACT team has built brands and creative for all walks of life, in a more efficient way . We have stripped all the unneeded so we can focus on what we do best, create.
With world class talent and experience driven by insightful creative strategy, stunning and purposeful writing and design complete the experience . Every bit of energy is spent finding core grains of purpose, spun into actionable creative.
We have worked with brands big and small with the same approach. We look for insights and any data we can use to make smart decisions for you and your customers. We have built brands, campaigns, social media content and everything you can think of for a very diverse set of clients over the years for agencies and clients directly.
We tend to go beneath the veneer and find the hidden elements left by some. We amplify those elements to create your ethos, your feel.